Saturday, August 28, 2010

New Groove Armada video...

...about whose music I don't give a shit but this video is one of the best dance battles I've ever seen!

Lada Gaga on the Iowa State University bell tower? Yes Please!

I guess kids like death metal too?

It just seems like an odd choice for a kids tv show, but its kind of amazing.

Holy shit there's more!

COLD DRINKS! There are a couple more of these gems here

Wendy's training video win.

Thanks Jezebel, now I can make hot drinks! To think of all of the shit training I've been through in the past, why cant more people just make bad 80s pop videos about decaf coffee sachets?

Monday, August 23, 2010


Zipperboat by Yasuhiro Suzuki. Via dudecraft

Wednesday, August 4, 2010